Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Simple Gospel

The Simple Gospel

1. God created man. Man did not create God. God created man in His image.
2. God gave man dominion over the earth and everything on it and in it.
3. Man forfeited that dominion to Satan through willful disobedience.
4. God decided to pay the penalty for man’s sin.
5. Man’s sin could only be removed by blood. The sin of all mankind could only be removed by the blood of One who was perfect and without sin.
6. All mankind was infected with the sin of the “father” of the human race, then a mortal (sin-infected) man could not be pure enough to remove all sin.
7. Jesus was made flesh and dwelt among men. He, being the express image of God, was pure enough to pay the penalty for man’s sin.
8. Jesus lived an exemplary life on earth to show us how a person filled with The Spirit of God should live.
9. Jesus was crucified , buried, and raised from the dead.
10. Jesus’ death undid the effects of man’s sin. His blood bought our salvation and His broken body bought our physical healing.
11. God desires all mankind to live in blessings not curses.
12. Anyone that repents can be saved and healed.
13. God will do anything you ask Him to, if you will do anything He asks you to do.
14. The Will of God is to do anything that reveals God to man, and draws man to God.
15. The Word of God is the Will of God. The Spirit of God CANNOT lead you to do something that the Word of God says not to do and He CANNOT lead you to not do something that the Word of God tells you to do.
16. If you consider yourself to be anything other than a missionary into the world that you are apart of, you are not a Christian. A true Christian ALWAYS has as their reason for being, the desire to share what they have found.
17. If you have not found a gospel worth sharing, you have not found the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
18. God has more faith in you than you have in Him.
19. God expects you to be strong and do exploits for Him.
20. God expects you to live by the laws of the Spirit.
21. God desires to reward us according to our works, yet we are so afraid of being accused of working for our salvation, that we avoid Biblical good works.
22. Every Christian is a minister.
23. Christians are so afraid of making a mistake that they do nothing. Not realizing that this mistake is the greatest one anyone can make. If you do something wrong, God is big enough to fix it, but if you do nothing, God cannot change your inactivity into activity.
24. God never intended The Church to be a place. He intended it to be a people. He intended it to be a body of people that are consistently being changed into the image of Christ.
25. Expect God to live big in you. Do big things for God. Do things that lift people, that help people. Do things that bless mankind. Do what God would do if He were here. Forget what men might say about you. They said those things about Jesus. There was never a person working for God that was appreciated until they were needed to get someone out of a bad situation. Be that person, help people out of bad situations.
26. Get out of and away from dead religion. Get a relationship with God. How can you tell the difference between the two? You can tell by how you think. If you are always thinking that you can’t do this or that because God is just waiting to bring judgment down on you, you are in dead religion. Dead religion says, “Don’t do anything, you might make God mad.” A Christian Relationship always says, ” What can I do for God to show Him how much I love and appreciate Him?”
27. Jesus said that God’s will was that we do to others what we would want them to do for us.
(Matthew 7:12)
To be a Christian: Feel free to contact us for help.
  1. Repent – recognize that you are a sinner and turn from your sins.
  2. Ask Jesus to be your Lord (someone you will obey without question.
  3. Believe that He heard and granted your request.
  4. Say out loud that Jesus IS your Lord and God IS your Father.
  5. Ask God for the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
  6. Read the Bible every day and ask God to show you what you need to know.
  7. Begin immediately doing whatever you find in the Bible.
The Gospel simplified its not that complicated after all
Courtesy Of Curry Blake General Overseer Of JGLM

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